This past summer, collaborating with the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, the Intensive English Program had the pleasure of hosting a group of 8 legal faculty from the prestigious Pontifica Universidad Católica de Perú (PUCP) in Lima, Peru for a specialized 6 week Legal English program.
As language educators, we’re always excited to see the growing recognition of the importance of English proficiency in various professional fields. The legal world is no exception, and we’re proud and honored to play a part in assisting these legal faculty in improving their English.
Our team worked diligently to create a tailored curriculum that addresses the unique needs of these law students. We focused on crucial aspects of Legal English, including:
- Background of the Legal System, the U.S. Constitution, and Landmark Cases
- Legal Reading and Analysis, Legal Writing and Structure
- The Vocabulary of the Law and English Grammar
- Discussion of Legal Issues
- Classroom Interaction, listening training, and Study Skills
- Discussion of Cross-Cultural Issues and Skills Practice
But our program isn’t just about language skills. We believe in providing a holistic experience for all of our international students. Throughout their stay, we encouraged our guests to immerse themselves in the beautiful environments Bloomington, Indiana University, and the Midwest have to offer. One highlight was a day led by our Director of Student Services as he took them exploring some of the beautiful nature and cultural landmarks in the area. The group visited Lake Monroe Reservoir, Yellowwood Lake, and explored the art galleries and restaurants of Nashville Indiana. Having the opportunity to chat with students outside of the classroom setting was enriching for our staff and instructors as well.

This collaboration between PUCP and our IEP showcases the increasing demand for specialized language programs in professional fields. We’re honored to be at the forefront of this trend, equipping the next generation of global legal professionals with the linguistic tools they need to succeed. As we move through our Fall sessions, we are already planning for a similar project with PUCP in the Summer of 2025. We hope this experience will not only benefit them individually and professionally but also foster stronger international legal cooperation between Peru and English-speaking countries.

We’re grateful for this opportunity to contribute to the global legal community and look forward to more such collaborations in the future.
To our Peruvian students: ¡Buena suerte y muchos éxitos en sus carreras!

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