My favorite part of my role as a staff member in the Intensive English Program is seeing my younger self reflected in you. Travel for second language study and acquisition has been a big part of my life, and I have so many memories of being in a new country, struggling to understand the people and the street signs and the menus and the rules. And feeling so excited for the adventure I was on.
I have studied language at schools in France and Italy in high school and college, I have spent time traveling and working and volunteering in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, Haiti, Mauritius, Spain, Morocco, Turkey, Albania, Israel, China, Cuba, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and, in all these beautiful places, there were kind people who helped me navigate the challenges of being a foreigner in new land and who helped me learn the language and cultural skills to feel strong and safe.
To travel to another country to learn a new language is a leap of faith. You allow yourself to become like a child again, unable to fully express yourself, unable to do many things on your own or to control the world around you. But what an incredible gift you receive in return for your bravery! You get to experience the miracle of finding the words and language tools that, like a key, once again unlock your inner world. And, in the new material of this other language, you might notice colors and textures to your thoughts and your experience of the world that you had not been aware of before. Maybe there is a new word, or sentence structure, or expression that allows you to understand things differently than before. A new language can feel like a special pair of glasses that give you a whole new view of life.
It can be scary to open yourself to the vulnerability of being so linguistically young again but, just as adults are usually kind to young children – making sure they are safe and helping guide them on the path of life – as a language learner, I have always been met with the kindness of others who wish to help guide me on my journey.
It is an honor, as an IEP staff member, to be here to help guide you on yours. Whether it is a question about the program, finding housing, IU’s immunization requirements, campus employment, your plans for future study, the English language, your Bloomington community, or just a question about life, I hope you always feel safe coming to Room 706 to talk to staff about it. If we don’t know the answer, we will help point you to someone else who will.
I am so proud of you for the journey you are on. I know how challenging it can be and how incredibly memorable and formative it is. Congratulations on taking this leap into the unknown and all the beauty that awaits!
Claire Frohman, IEP Office Staff

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