Sections offered SPRING 2024: #34006 VINCENT BOUCHARD MW 1:15-2:30 pm LI 048 and HU 217 Monday class meets in Wells library screening room (048); Wednesday class meets in HU 217 Taking a comparative, transnational approach, this course offers an overview of European cinema as an evolving art and as a means of tracing the evolution of… Read more »
Spring 2024
HON-H 233 Tragedy: When Life Imitates Art
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #12152 HALL BJORNSTAD MW 9:45-11:00 am HU 217 What do we mean when we say that an event is “tragic”? Is a death more tragic if it is the result of a murder than if it happened by accident or from natural causes? Do we say it is “tragic” in… Read more »
HON-H 233 Young Adult Fiction
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #7228 GARETH EVANS MW 1:15-2:30 pm HU 111 Young Adult Fiction (YAF) is all the rage these days. While roughly 3,000 Young Adult titles were published in 1997, 10,276 were published in 2012. What’s more, YAF is being bought and read by adults as well as young adults. The term… Read more »
HON-H 233 Young Adult Fiction
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #6531 GARETH EVANS MW 11:30am-12:45 pm HU 108 Young Adult Fiction (YAF) is all the rage these days. While roughly 3,000 Young Adult titles were published in 1997, 10,276 were published in 2012. What’s more, YAF is being bought and read by adults as well as young adults. The term… Read more »
HON-H 232 The Art and Skill of Writing
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #30937 POLLY GRAHAM TuTh 4:45-6:00 pm HU 108 HON‐H 232 Meaningful Writing: The Art & Skill of Written Communication will refine and enhance skills in written communication. We will read, analyze, and appraise a range of prose and poetry as a means of informing writing style and technique. We will… Read more »
HON-H 232 Beauty and the Self
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #30887 EMILY ESOLA TuTh 9:45-11:00 am HU 108 As experienced navigators of the image-saturated space of social media, members of Gen-Z have a sophisticated understanding of how pervasive beauty standards in our visual culture influence our self-perception. Collectively, Gen-Z has been vocal in opposing individuals or organizations that perpetuate unrealistic… Read more »
HON-H 212 Ideas & Experience II
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #31465 MICHAEL RUSHTON MW 4:45-6:00 pm HU 111 HON-H 212 prerequisite: completion of the English composition requirement Class subtitle: Liberalism and Conservatism; Art, Society, and the State This course is about various streams of social and political thought from the mid-eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century, along with changes in painting, poetry,… Read more »
HON-H 212 Ideas & Experience II
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #30765 JOEL WONG MW 3:00-4:20pm BH 240 HON-H 212 prerequisite: completion of the English composition requirement Class subtitle: Living the Grateful Life What does it mean to be grateful? And how can we live more grateful lives? Many people believe in the benefits of gratitude yet struggle with being grateful. This… Read more »
HON-H 212 Ideas & Experience II
Sections offered SPRING 2024: #30761 BRIDGER EHLI TuTh 11:30am-12:45pm BH 315 HON-H 212 prerequisite: completion of the English composition requirement Class subtitle: Skepticism and Belief Skepticism is usually understood as the position according to which most or all of our beliefs fall short of knowledge. This view of our epistemic condition has played a highly… Read more »
HON-H 211 Ideas & Experience I
Sections offered SPRING 2024: 9907 ROBERT TERRILL MW 11:30am-12:45pm HU 111 HON-H 211 prerequisite: completion of the English composition requirement “Rhetoric & Democracy: Taking Appearances Seriously” We often assume that the most effective communication is clear, direct, and unambiguous. This is particularly true for the communication that happens in public, and therefore helps us to… Read more »