4739 ALVIN ROSENFELD TuTh 2:20-3:35 pm BH 238 Well known as historical figures, both Hitler and Anne Frank long ago began to take on symbolic dimensions–he as the 20th century’s leading personification of evil, and she as girlhood innocence despoiled by unspeakable anguish and condemned to an early death. In novels, stories, poems, plays, films,… Read more »
Honors Courses
HON-H 226 Linguistics and Literature — B. Johnston
33892 BILL JOHNSTON MW 2:20-3:35 pm BH 343 Literature is made of language. But what is language made of? This course offers an introduction to linguistics in the context of literary texts. From phonology (the study of the sounds of language) to semantics (the study of meaning) and pragmatics (how language works in spoken and… Read more »
HON-H 238 It’s a Conspiracy! Conspiracy Theories as Media Literacy
33845 ALICIA KOZMA TuTh 4:45-6:00 pm ARR ***THIS CLASS IS OPEN *ONLY* TO FRESHMAN WELLS SCHOLARS*** This freshman Wells honors seminar introduces students to the concept of media literacy—the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication— and explains why media literacy is a critical skill while also teaching students… Read more »
HHC-H 211 Mysticism and Western Thought — M. Morgan
30208 MICHAEL MORGAN MW 2:20-3:35 pm HU 111 PREREQUISITE: COMPLETION OF THE ENGLISH COMPOSITION REQUIREMENT Mysticism – the aspiration to unify with the Divine, often through ascetic practices and a detached life – has been a constant since antiquity in Western culture and even has resonances today in various efforts to enhance the spiritual dimension… Read more »
HON-H 303 The Wild Side of Cinema — L. Sicinski
13686 LUKASZ SICINSKI M 3:55-6:25 pm BH 229 This course explores Polish cinema from the 1970s to the present day, with a special focus on films that break away from traditional cinematic conventions and subvert dominant stylistic and thematic norms. We will approach these films as philosophical exercises, analyzing the nature of their subversiveness and… Read more »
HHC-H 211 Anger: Sacred and Profane — J. Morgan
33058 JOSEPH MORGAN MW 2:20-3:35 pm HU 108 PREREQUISITE: COMPLETION OF THE ENGLISH COMPOSITION REQUIREMENT When people are angry today, they are often advised to control their anger or learn to manage it. As an emotion, we see anger unruly, potentially dangerous, and in need of mastering. In many societies, showing anger is permitted only… Read more »
HHC-H 212 Money, Value, and Modern Life — R. Spang
30210 REBECCA SPANG MW 3:55-5:10 pm HU 108 Ideas and arguments about money—what it is, how it works, who controls it—have been fundamental to modern history and to many theories of modernity itself. In this seminar, we will work through some foundational texts of Western social and political theory, focusing on how authors’ claims about… Read more »
HON-H 304 Politics of the U.N. — D. Spechler
33150 DINA SPECHLER TuTh 7:05-8:20 pm WH 007 **THIS CLASS REQUIRES ADVANCE PERMISSION FROM PROFESSOR; PLEASE EMAIL SPECHLER@INDIANA.EDU FOR MORE INFORMATION** Are you thinking about becoming a diplomat or an expert on international law? Are you hoping to study or work abroad? Do you have a strong interest in international affairs? This course will give… Read more »
HON-H 303 From Anxiety to Revolution — J. Nizynska
33596 JOANNA NIZYNSKA Th 3:10-5:40 pm JH A105 Eastern Europe from the Cold War until now: communist regime and contemporary capitalist society with Poland as a primary case study. Survey of the communist propaganda, anti-communist resistance, dissident/civil rights movement (“Solidarity”), youth contestations, rock scene, Catholic church, pop culture, and everyday life. Discussion of the capitalist… Read more »
HON-H 303 Lovers & Murderers: Modern Czech Literature & Culture — C. Cravens
13688 CRAIG CRAVENS TuTh 3:55-5:10 pm BH 229 Czech literature and history are intimately bound and the history of the Czechs has often been a painful one. For centuries, literature has served as a means to respond to historical events from the repression of the Hapsburg Empire through the totalitarian regimes of the Nazis and… Read more »