Sections offered FALL 2020: #13567 HALL BJORNSTAD TR 1:10-2:25pm WEB CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd A&H credit; COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class meets 100% Online with a combination of Synchronous and Asynchronous instruction. For more information visit What do we mean when we say that an event is tragic? Is a… Read more »
HON-H 234 – Anne Frank and Hitler
Sections offered FALL 2020: #6538 ALVIN ROSENFELD TR 3:15-4:30pm WEB CLASS NOTES: Above class meets with JSTU-J 203; IUB GenEd A&H credit; COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class meets 100% Online with a combination of Synchronous and Asynchronous instruction. For more information visit Well known as historical figures, both Hitler and… Read more »
HON-H 226 – The Production of Culture
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #8805 CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON TR 2:30pm-3:45pm HU 108 CLASS NOTES: COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit We may watch The Daily Show for its award-winning satire of contemporary politics and media, but that isn’t why a network like Comedy Central produces and broadcasts the program. From a business perspective, The Daily… Read more »
ENG-L 204 – Introduction to Fiction: American Minimalism and the Allure of Transgressive Fiction
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #9287 JOEY MCMULLEN TR 1:00pm-2:15pm SW 219 CLASS NOTES: COLL Intensive Writing section; COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; IUB GenEd A&H credit “A good story should make you laugh, and a moment later break your heart”—so explains Chuck Palahniuk, the author of Fight Club. In this course, we will… Read more »
GNDR-G 101 – Gender, Culture, and Society
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #2599 COLIN JOHNSON MWF 10:10am-11:00am PY 115 CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd A&H credit; COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit This course examines the international emergence of the field of women’s studies; the achievements and limitations of scholarly work exploring oppression and discrimination based on sex and sex differences; the… Read more »
HISP-S 328 – Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #5527 RYAN GILES TR 11:15am-12:30pm BH 246 CLASS NOTES: COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; COLL (CASE) Global Civ & Culture credit This course studies representative Spanish texts from the Middle Ages to the present. We will read, discuss and analyze early poetry, theater and prose, observing how characters,… Read more »
HISP-S 324 – Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Cultures
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #5897 EDGAR ILLAS TR 8:00am-9:15am FA 010 CLASS NOTES: COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; COLL (CASE) Global Civ & Culture credit This course aims to provide students with an overview of the cultural history of Spain and Latin America from ancient to modern times, while introducing them to… Read more »
ENG-L 205 – Introduction to Poetry
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #2355 MONIQUE MORGAN TR 2:30pm-03:45pm SW 219 CLASS NOTES: COLL Intensive Writing section; IUB GenEd A&H credit; COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit This course introduces students to the formal and stylistic elements of poetry, provides them with a shared vocabulary for recognizing and analyzing different literary forms, and develops… Read more »
ENG-L 205 – Introduction to Poetry
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #2354 NIKKI SKILLMAN MW 11:15am-12:30pm WH 104 CLASS NOTES: COLL Intensive Writing section; IUB GenEd A&H credit; COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit In this course we will explore the special linguistic strategies poets use to render the most invisible dimensions of human experience available to others, tracing how poems… Read more »
HON-H 303 – Epic: Heroes, Gods, and Rebels
Sections offered SPRING 2020: #30886 SARAH VAN DER LAAN TR 2:30pm-3:45pm SY 0008 CLASS NOTES: COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; COLL (CASE) Global Civ & Culture credit Why did the architects of the World Trade Center memorial choose a quotation from Virgil’s Aeneid, a two-thousand-year-old Latin poem, for its walls? Epic has… Read more »