Entries by rsteele
HON-H 240 Analytics, Sports, and the Winning Edge
34725 WAYNE WINSTON MW 3:00-4:15 pm HU 217 Are you an avid sports fan? Do you want to improve your Excel skills and learn new ways to analyze more kinds of data? Then this course is for you! Data analytics has transformed team sports over the last twenty years: baseball teams don’t bunt as much… Read more »
HON-H 304 Living the Grateful Life
34488 JOEL WONG MW 3:00-4:20 pm BH 217 THIS CLASS MEETS DURING THE THIRTEEN WEEK SESSION. What does it mean to be grateful? And how can we live more grateful lives? Many people believe in the benefits of gratitude yet struggle with being grateful. This course will address interdisciplinary perspectives on gratitude. You will learn… Read more »
HON-H 303 We Are Here: Minorities in the Post-Communist Reality
35443 JOANNA NIZYNSKA Tu 3:00-5:30 pm TBA When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, Europe—for over four decades divided by the “iron curtain” between the Eastern Bloc controlled by the Soviet Union and the so-called “West”—unified. Together with this unification came the violent breakdown of previously homogenized communist societies. The suppressed minorities—ethnic, gender, sexual, religious,… Read more »
HON-H 303 Faces of War and Freedom
14253 LUKASZ SICINSKI M 4:45-7:15pm BH 141 This course studies literary and artistic strategies of responding to the conditions of foreign occupation, colonization, and genocide. We will discuss the role of culture in times of historical, social, and ideological upheavals, and the capability of culture to both oppose and normalize sociopolitical pressures. Special attention will… Read more »
HON-H 303 Romantics to Robots: Nation, Identity & the Czech Arts
12318 CRAIG CRAVENS TuTh 3:00-4:15 pm SW 103 What is a nation and how does it come into existence? What role do literature and the arts play in creating and contesting national myths and identities? This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Czech nationalism and identity. We will be looking at… Read more »
HON-H 241 Animal Thinking
12147 JONATHON CRYSTAL TuTh 9:45-11:00 AM PY 128 Fundamental aspects of human experience include remembering the past, choosing in the present, and planning for the future. Do non-human animals remember the past, choose in the present, and plan for the future? Are people unique among all other animals in their cognitive processes? What do non-human… Read more »
HON-H 241 Global Water Resources
31347 CHEN ZHU TuTh 1:15-2:30 pm GY 2049 The term water resources refers to natural waters (vapor, liquid, or solid) that occur on the Earth and that are of potential use to humans. The Earth has over 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of water. However, 97% of this is saline seawater. A dependable supply of water… Read more »
HON-H 241 Quantum Mysteries for Everyone
5415 AMIT HAGAR ASYNCHRONOUS ONLINE N/A THIS CLASS MEETS SECOND EIGHT WEEKS, FULLY ONLINE Quantum theory is the best theory we have of microscopic things, but it is also extremely hard to understand what exactly the theory is saying. We will begin this course by describing a few simple quantum experiments to see just why… Read more »
HON-H 238 Social Impacts of Big Data
11162 YOUNEI SOE TuTh 9:45-11:05 am HU 108 THIS CLASS MEETS FOR THIRTEEN WEEKS Every day, billions of people interact with information technologies on the internet and contribute to a world of valuable information. But the human brain simply cannot fathom the quantity of data generated daily. The term “big data” refers to data that… Read more »