Sections offered FALL 2021: #15036 LEAH SAVION TuTh 11:30am-12:45pm HU 217 CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd N&M credit – Natural Science; COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class meets In Person. For more information visit Human survival depends on effective gathering of huge amounts of information, adequate processing, fast learning, and controlling… Read more »
Entries by brigphil
HON-H 240 – What Will Happen?
Sections offered FALL 2021: #20984 WAYNE WINSTON Th 4:55-7:25pm HU 217 CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class meets In Person. For more information visit If we have earned anything recently, it is we don’t know what will happen in the future. In the course you… Read more »
HON-H238 – Politics and the Media
Sections offered FALL 2021: #40823 JULIA FOX TuTh 3:15-4:30pm HU 217 CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class meets In Person. For more information visit This course examines the relationship between media and politics in the United States. We will examine the concepts of objectivity and… Read more »
HON-H 238 – Global Intelligence
Sections offered FALL 2021: #19964 BRENDA BAILEY-HUGHES MW 4:55-6:10pm WEB CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; Service Learning Course Above class meets 100% Online with a combination of Synchronous and Asynchronous instruction. For more information visit Global Intelligence is a service-learning, global classroom course that partners… Read more »
HON-H 238 – Witnessing War, Terrorism, and Humanitarian Intervention
Sections offered FALL 2021: #18870 STEVE RAYMER M 11:30am-12:45pm W 11:30am-12:45pm HU 217 WEB CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit H238 examines the journalistic, political, and cultural context of conflict and… Read more »
HON-H 237 – Philosophy of Law
Sections offered FALL 2021: #42633 GREG CANADA TR 1:10-2:25pm BH 215 CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class meets In Person. For more information visit Jurisprudence — philosophy of law – investigates the nature of law and its role in society. This course will offer a… Read more »
HON-H 237 – Invention and Technology
Sections offered FALL 2021: #41052 ANNE PYBURN TuTh 9:25-10:40am HU 108 CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class meets In Person. For more information visit This is an archaeology class, so it is about ancient inventions and technologies. We will talk about the beginnings of… Read more »
HON-H 237 – Decolonizing Science Fiction
Sections offered FALL 2021: #20198 MARCO ARNAUDO M 1:10-2:25pm W 1:10-2:25pm HU 217 WEB CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit This class discusses race relations in the US through… Read more »
HON-H 234 – Anne Frank and Hitler
Sections offered FALL 2021: #15035 ALVIN ROSENFELD TuTh 3:15-4:30pm SY 001 CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd A&H credit; COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; meets with JSTU-J 203 Above class meets In Person. For more information visit Well known as historical figures, both Hitler and Anne Frank long ago began to take on symbolic… Read more »
HON-H 233 – Accident, Catastrophe, and Trauma in Literature and Film
Sections offered FALL 2021: #21042 JOHANNES TURK MW 9:25-10:40am HU 111 CLASS NOTES: COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; IUB GenEd A&H credit Above class meets In Person. For more information visit Accidents and catastrophes are dramatic and always possible events that challenge individual and collective life. They break the protective shields that ward… Read more »