Sections offered FALL 2023:
#31825 |
MW 4:45 PM–6:00 PM |
BH 245 |
CLASS NOTES: COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit; meets with ENG-L 369
Joyce’s work represents perhaps the attempt in English, at once sustained and varied, to turn to literature (and language) in response to the modern disengagement with all forms of the sacred. Joyce’s books chronicle his turning away from religion—and nation and family—in pursuit of new approaches to art and life. Joyce presents the necessity for this transformation in the realistic short stories of his Dubliners; he chronicles a version of it in the more challenging realism of Portrait of the Artist as Young Man. In the still unparalleled experiments of his masterwork, Ulysses, he exhibits the adventures of an everyman and an artist, while mapping the history of Western prose and the dialects of everyday life. The primary work of this course will be watching Joyce’s undertaking unfold across his fiction; we will read some of Dubliners, all of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and some of Ulysses. We will also read some of Joyce’s critical writings. Grades are dependent on a midterm and a final exam, a final paper, some short assignments and/or presentations, and informed class participation.