Sections offered SPRING 2023:
#31351 |
TuTh 1:15 PM–2:30 PM |
HU 217 |
CLASS NOTES: IUB GenEd S&H credit; COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
Class meets In Person. For more information visit
This class analyzes the topic of military leadership and its applications to civilian contexts such as business and management. We read classic works by military thinkers such as Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, and Clausewitz, and we focus on the issue of leadership. How do these thinkers recommend to leaders to act? How do they think one can influence one’s followers? How can one make the best decisions in a situation of uncertainty and great pressure? The class also includes visit to IU special collections; the screening of a classic movie on leadership; several practical and diplomatic games to exemplify dynamics of leadership.