IUB undergraduate Biology and Molecular Life Sciences students: Hello! This blog is a way for your academic advisors to update you on important happenings in the Biology Department, the Molecular Life Sciences Program, and elsewhere.
Check back frequently to get the latest updates on classes, careers, and campus happenings, as well as other important announcements and opportunities.
Academic Advising
You can schedule appointments with your advisors using Student Appointment Scheduler. Appointments are in person, on Zoom, and by phone (your choice). You will receive a reminder that will tell you how to access your appointment. When you book an appointment: Please include your contact information and some details of what you hope to discuss.
You can also correspond with individual advisors via e-mail:
Amy Craft: ammwelch@iu.edu
Joyce Downing: jodown@iu.edu
Carrie Fudickar: cfudicka@iu.edu
Chaim McNamee: mcnameek@iu.edu
Jane Pilgrim: jpilgrim@iu.edu
Libby Tilghman: etilghma@iu.edu
Leah Turner: leamturn@iu.edu
We will do our best to respond in detail to your questions. We can outline your remaining degree requirements and suggest courses for the coming semester. If you’d prefer the clarify of a written conversation, e-mailing back and forth could be a great option.
Students who have recently certified into the College of Arts + Sciences and have never reviewed their degree progress with a College advisor are urged to schedule an advising appointment.
If you are not in Bloomington, please be aware of time zone differences! You can find a time zone converter here. All times listed in the Student Appointment Scheduler are Bloomington (Eastern Daylight Time).
Future students & interested parents: Welcome! We hope that this blog will give you a good sense of what’s going on for Biology and Molecular Life Sciences students at IU. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or email.
Contact Information
Academic Advisors: Amy Craft, Joyce Downing, Carrie Fudickar, Chaim McNamee, Jane Pilgrim, Libby Tilghman, and Leah Turner
Advising Email – bioadv@iu.edu
Undergraduate Student Services Specialist: Jose Briceno
Undergraduate Advising Office Email: biougrad@indiana.edu
Advising Office:
Biology A115
1001 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-3810
Office hours:
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time (fall and spring semesters)
In summer, we still work full time! However, office hours are variable, due to extensive New Student Orientation advising commitments at other locations on campus.