Still need to fulfill your Critical Approaches course requirement? Couldn’t get into a Fall 2020 Critical Approaches course, because seats are reserved every fall semester for incoming first-year students?
If you don’t need your Critical Approaches course to simultaneously provide A&H or S&H credit, consider this:
COLL-C 105 Critical Approaches to the Natural and Mathematical Sciences (topic: Brains and Minds, Robots and Computers) has lots of seats open to all students.
Topic: Brains & Minds, Robots & Computers
Prof. Eduardo Izquierdo
What is the nature of mental states? How are thoughts related to the physical world? Could machines think? This course will explore the main thrusts in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. The topics will include the mind-body problem, the view of intelligence as computation, artificial neural networks, the role of the body in cognition, the study of animal intelligence, collective intelligence, and self-organization, and the ethics of AI. We will compare and contrast the abilities of humans and animals with the current capabilities of machines and robots. These comparisons should yield insights into the incredible abilities of the human mind as well as raise questions about what constitutes true intelligence. Lab sessions will include discussions as well as hands-on experience that will allow students to get acquainted with computer simulations of artificial agents.
If you still need A&H credit or S&H credit and intend to fulfill that simultaneously with your Critical Approaches course, this is not a good course for you, since it does not carry those kinds of credit. Choose a COLL-C 103 or COLL-C 104 course instead. Questions about this aspect? Email
But if you are intrigued by this topic, are weary of trying to get into Critical Approaches sections that are full, and don’t need A&H or S&H credit – enroll in COLL-C 105 Critical Approaches: Brains and Minds, Robots and Computers now!
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