Update: As of 2/5/19, applications for undergrad positions in the Demas lab are closed.
The Demas Lab is looking for motivated undergraduates to work in the lab starting in summer 2019. Please find the details of the position below. If you have any questions about the position, please contact lab manager Jessica Deyoe at jedeyoe@indiana.edu.
Position Description:
The primary focus in the Demas laboratory is in the general area of “ecological physiology.” Specifically, we study interactions among the nervous, endocrine and immune systems and behavior in a variety of ecologically-relevant environmental contexts using the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) as our model system. Currently, we are conducting studies in two major research areas, including: 1) microbiome influences on the neuroendocrine regulation of social behavior, and 2) neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying seasonal aggression.
We are seeking highly-motivated undergraduate students to volunteer as research assistants in our lab. This position will involve aiding with research projects in the lab; learning and practicing proper animal handling and care; and performing basic laboratory techniques involved in reproductive physiology and behavioral endocrinology, such as behavioral scoring, tissue sectioning and processing, and serum hormone analysis. The position will occasionally require working after hours, between approximately 8 p.m. and 11 p.m., for the purpose of recording the behavior of our nocturnal animals. Please note that on those weeks requiring night shifts, students will often have free time to work on schoolwork while in the lab.
- Availability to work ~4-8 hours/week, depending on the studies being conducted in lab
- Availability to work Summer 2019 (with opportunity to continue into the 2019-2020 school year)
Please send the following information to Jessica Deyoe, the Demas Lab manager (jedeyoe@indiana.edu):
- Resume, including G.P.A.
- Brief description of:
- Your current career goals
- When you would be available to start working in the lab
- How many semesters you would be willing to work in the lab
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