If you are looking for an interesting general elective, or for 300/400-level hours inside the College of Arts & Sciences, consider this course:
HPSC-X 308: The History of Biology
Time: T-Th 2:30–3:45 PM
Place: Ballantine Hall 003
Instructor: Sander Gliboff
COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
Not approved to count in Biology major; this is a general elective course.
The term “biology” was first used at the turn of the nineteenth century to denote a new scientific or philosophical approach to the study of life, distinct from natural history, natural theology, and medicine. But what did it mean to be “scientific”? What was this new science going to tell us about the organic world and ourselves? Where and how and by whom was biological research to be done, with what resources?
This seminar is a survey of key figures and pivotal moments in the history of modern biology, that have re-defined its scientific character, by either opening new lines of inquiry and explanation, developing new kinds of instruments, practices, and institutions, or changing the social role of the biological scientist. Coverage includes, e.g., Lamarck, Mendel, Darwin, Haeckel, Pavlov, classical and molecular genetics, embryology, evolution, and ecology.
There are no prerequisites, but knowledge of modern biology or modern European or American history will be helpful.
For more information, email the instructor at sgliboff@indiana.edu.
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