Sexual Assault Awareness Month:
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (awareness month color is teal).
Break the Silence,
End the Violence.
- 1 in 5 women and 1 in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their college years.
- Among women who were sexually assaulted, 80-90% knew their attacker.
- It is helpful to tell a survivor explicitly, “I believe you”. It’s often unhelpful to ask survivors why they made certain choices (e.g., “Why did you leave the party with him/her?”)
The Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS) at IU Health Center is sponsoring THE CLOSELINE PROJECT: T-SHIRT DISPLAY & CLOSING CEREMONY. The Clothesline Project aims to shine a light on the prevalence of sexual violence, and pay homage to victims and survivors. It focuses on giving power back to those who have experienced violence. It creates campus wide education that breaks the silence surrounding sexual violence. It gives survivors a sense of support, knowing they are not alone in their experiences. Lastly, it encourages students, staff, faculty, and community members to engage in social justice activism.
T-shirts will be displayed April 11 & 12, 10am-3pm & April 13, 10am-12pm at IU Health Center lawn.
A ceremony honoring survivors and victims will take place April 12, 3pm at IU Health Center lawn.
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