February 26, 2018
6:00pm -7:30 pm
Dogwood, IMU
Parallel planning is a strategy to maximize your time and effort, while in college and thereafter. It is not “backup” or “plan B” planning. It is assessing what you love doing and are good at, and achieving the career that matches that.
Parallel planning could involve: 1) completing prerequisites for two different health profession careers while you exploring and confirming which you love better and excel at more or 2) developing a second (or third) set of skills that will supplement the career path you have decided upon.
At the session, HPPLC advisors will present information on various health professions careers and additional responsibilities health care practitioners take on in the course of their career. Then, on Wednesday, February 28 at the Health Professions Programs Fair, you can speak with admissions representatives about their programs and opportunities to develop the skills for the additional responsibilities you envision for your career.
While certainly not mandatory, we encourage you to look over or even complete all or part of the self-questionnaire linked from the HPPLC site http://hpplc.indiana.edu/ohp/#assess. It can help you more clearly identify and evaluate your aptitudes, your areas of interest, and what has drawn your attention to these areas.
(Please note that this session will not address technical questions about application processes and procedures, admission prerequisites, etc., but will instead focus on topics pertaining to making good health career choices.)
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