In response to participant feedback, we have made some exciting changes to Coaching Foundations I and II! The content and hours are still the same, but the delivery is substantially different. Coaching Foundations I and II is now referred to as simply Coaching Foundations. The content is delivered in the following ways:
- 3-4 hours of asynchronous, on-demand learning in a new Coaching Conversations Canvas site (includes interactive video trainings, a video coaching demo, pre-work for the live workshops, a Core Content Assessment, and a reflection to be completed after the live workshops)
- 9 hours of live workshop content delivered in-person or on Zoom
While you may not want to repeat all of Foundations, you might want access to the new training videos. They are a great way to review the core content you learned in Foundations!
If you’d like access to the new Coaching Conversations Canvas site where you can find the Foundations training videos, please let us know. Just email and write “Request for access to new Coaching Conversations Canvas site” in the subject line.