Every month, Establishing Shot brings you a selection of films from our group of regular bloggers. Even though these films aren’t currently being screened at the IU Cinema, this series reflects the varied programming that can be found at the Cinema and demonstrates the eclectic tastes of the bloggers. Each contributor has picked one film that they… Read more »
Tag: Chantal Akerman
Prisons of Space: 2 Films by Chantal Akerman
The great film thinker André Bazin (1918-1958) famously appreciated a certain kind of realism that he identified in the cinema. Bazin’s use of the term “realism” has less to do with an emphasis on ordinary people and situations (as we might think today) than it does with the formal properties of the film image. In… Read more »
IU Cinema turns 6!
Six years ago today Indiana University Cinema launched its first season with an unforgettable screening of Lawrence of Arabia—officially transforming the University Theatre from its origins as a live performance space to an amazing place for film. I was finally seeing the film as it was meant to be experienced—beautifully projected on the big screen.
Jeanne Folds the Meatloaf
*This article contains SPOILERS for Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Chantal Akerman, 1975).* Day 1 Jeanne takes her time. We first see Jeanne Dielman (Delphine Seyrig) in her kitchen, wearing a blue apron, lighting the burner under a large floral pot. The bell rings. She unbuttons her apron, hangs it up, washes… Read more »