A harrowing zombie horror-thriller, Train to Busan follows a group of terrified passengers fighting their way through a countrywide viral zombie outbreak while trapped on a suspicion-filled, blood-drenched bullet train ride to Busan, a city that has managed to hold off the zombie hordes… or so everyone hopes.
A landmark South Korean film, Train to Busan has been praised by the likes of RogerEbert.com, the Guardian, NPR, and the New York Times. For a more in-depth discussion of the movie, check out May Ngo’s exploration of its themes and this video essay about why it’s the perfect zombie flick.
See Train to Busan at IU Cinema this Friday!
“Characters you can’t help but care about? Check. A spot of amped-up social commentary? Double check. Lashings of bloody, bite-y mayhem? Triple check.” — Mark Kermode, Observer (UK)
Train to Busan/Busanhaeng will be playing at IU Cinema on October 25 at 10pm as part of the Friday Night Frights series.