Full transparency: all Blu-rays reviewed were provided by Kino Lorber and Criterion.
Sometimes technology just doesn’t cooperate the way it’s supposed to. This month’s review round-up was all typed and set to go, but due to a computer error, I lost everything but the notes I jotted down in a notebook as I watched this month’s films. However, my benevolent editor and I didn’t want to deprive anyone of their physical media fix. I jumped onto Audacity and freestyled my thoughts on this month’s titles, and what an eclectic bunch it was: a lavishly decadent period piece, kinetic narrative showcases, an erotic psychosexual thriller, and more!
This is a pretty bare-bones presentation to say the least, but I hope my thoughts help you decide what to check out in the near future. Who knows… maybe this will become something a little more produced and little more regular. Either way, have a wonderful holiday and may next year be marginally less painful than this one has been.

David Carter is a film lover and a menace. He plays jazz from time to time but asks you not to hold that against him. His taste in movies bounces from Speed Racer to The Holy Mountain and everything in between.