In my last post, I discussed expectations versus reality, and how our expectations are almost always different from reality. I ended with my expectations for the remaining week: “a busy one, full of travel, friends, learning, and new, unforgettable memories.” Now, I would say I predicted correctly, but only if I wanted to give you… Read more »
Expectations vs. Reality: A Different Experience
Expectations are preconceived ideas you hold about something you have yet to experience, based on others’ experiences or your own in a similar territory. Coming into Costa Rica, I certainly had a number of expectations, all of which came from information online and stories from people I knew. I had never experienced the tropical forest,… Read more »
Learning and Living Pura Vida
Tomorrow will be one week since we arrived in Costa Rica! We’ve spent the past week at La Selva Biological Station, and we’ve got about five more days here. It’s been a wonderful experience so far! Upon arriving, there were a few things that hit me, first being the humidity. I’ve been to Japan a… Read more »