Hello Friends!
I’ve decided to format my blogposts as amalgamations of the open letters I have been journaling to the people with me on this trip, and those supporting me from home too. The inspiration is from Charlie’s letters in “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” It’s been helping the writing process, so I’ll take it as a good sign… here goes nothing!
May 30, 2023
The past couple days have honestly been a blur. Waking up at 3 a.m. to catch two flights to a foreign country is not exactly what I thought I’d be doing on May 29th if you asked me two years ago, but hey, life is strange eh? Feeling very grateful, and a bit like I’m in my own silly season of something between Man vs. Wild, Jumanji, and Outer Banks.
I was so scared to meet everybody, but it’s been really fun and nice so far. Everyone is really sweet, and I feel blessed to be around so many different beautiful personalities. My roommate Biz is a really smart and funny queer transmasc, but as already been discussed, “Biz is just Biz.” There’s Kieran, who always has something on his mind – quite literally too, what with having a migraine all day. Quite a silly guy. Mahek was really sweet to me, especially on my first night when they didn’t have a dinner for me at the cafeteria. So was Dr. Libby when he offered me his whole bag of trail mix. Miyako, Faith, Roarke, the list goes on. Couldn’t have asked for a better group if I picked it myself.
I will say, I am so tired physically, and it is harder than I let off sometimes being disabled. I don’t like making a big deal of it. I never have. It’s easier to manage it when it’s only my emotions, and not mine and another person’s emotions. Dr. Libby has already mentioned just letting him know when I’m not feeling up to things. That’s probably enough for me. And posting it on here I guess, for people to better understand disability.
All the fear, anxiety, and constraints aside, I have never felt so blessed. Sure, I’ve had other opportunities that are monumentous, but this one feels different. I reflect on who I was just two short years ago, and it feels a world away.
Been listening to my “groovy beach walk” playlist while typing this. Disco, jazz, reggae, latin, and funk mostly. Snazzy.
I’m tired and going to bed. Another hard-working day of being blessed tomorrow, after all.
Best of circumstances to you,
May 30, 2023
Mariella — Khraungbin
Boot Scootin’ Boogie — Brooks & Dunn
Hello again!
Guess I’m writing two of these today eh? And adding music too? Zesty. I just can’t sleep yet.
Biz and I had a good laugh about Dr. Libby reminding us a bit of Jiminy Cricket before bed. He really does. It’s a good thing! And, we think Dr. Wasserman is his perfect foil.
It is so hard to compare my stay here to literally anything else. I’ve been to Costa Rica before actually — but it feels like I’m experiencing the privilege of being able to see it with new eyes, ears, and knowledge.
Quite literally, if I were to come into existence exactly as is but completely blind, and the first thing I see be the view of the river from above, swaying on a hanging bridge with the flurrying bustle of birds and bugs amongst, skies open and pouring onto me? I would be the happiest man minute one.
It’s been amazing me what bringing people into a small community with similar goals and constraints can do for itself in such small ways. We encouraged Lauren to get a second tiramisu without hesitation. Biz let me borrow his flashlight for the first day no problem. People share binoculars and photos, snacks — Marinna even gave Kieran an extra hat! — all to get through the day for another one tomorrow. Just beautiful.
My new and old friends have been helping me a lot as I’ve begun the academic part of this journey. Thinking my project is heading towards an environmental and social focus of ecotourism’s effects… stay posted!
Footprints — Wayne Shorter
June 3, 2023
Hello again!
Short time no chat. It’s been so busy but so transformative!! Let’s talk project first.
Marinna (who is very sweet, smart, and helpful, couldn’t have asked for a better partner myself) and I are doing a study on plastics, ecotourism, and their impacts on the environment and the people of Costa Rica. We are likely going to find tracts of land to quantify the amount of plastic usage at these sites, collect data on correlative trends between plastic use and ecotourism, as well as incorporate a survey of peoples’ priorities environmentally and economically. Should hit all the bases!
Both the professors have been really helpful with this in their own ways. Dr. Wasserman is really good at providing ideas and insight into how to streamline our combined projects. It can be overwhelming, but after a really good conversation with Dr. Libby, I feel much better about how things will turn out. He really heard my concerns and passions and probably helped me process my feelings a lot more than he even realized. It had been a long time since I felt that emotionally supported by an academic. Reminds me that people really do care.
I’ll probably get more into the technicalities of our study in a later blogpost, but we’re definitely still hammering out the details. I’m excited to see where it takes us.
As I’ve said before, this trip is amazing, and only continues to be. Just today, I had the opportunity to learn from local organic pineapple farmers about the process of farming – for example, did you know it takes eight months for a pineapple to go from first plant to table? Crazy! Grateful for Dania’s shared knowledge and Elmer for driving the tractor, even though we would be caught in the rain, and he hates getting wet. Plus, piña coladas and getting caught in the rain might be one of the most full-circle moments for me thus far.
I’ve been finding so much joy in the small moments. Was listening to Erykah Badu on a walk to the cafeteria, and a line came on talking about finding connections in other lifetimes, even as butterflies. Sure enough, two butterflies flirted by. Everything seemed so simple and carefree.
Everything seems to just fall into place here. I feel like I have a place here.
Quite tired so I’ll stop here, but I wanted to say how grateful I am to all of you for giving me this place. Truly unreal.
Also, I finished “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” yesterday. Good ass book. Gifted it to someone else – forgetting who at this moment – for them to read 🙂 Started All About Love by bell hooks today!
Much love,
Next Lifetime – Erykah Badu
Escape (The Piña Colada Song) – Rupert Holmes
Get Up Offa That Thing – James Brown
P.S. I put some photos in the “envelope” for you to see too!

Elmer, driving us around the piña farm on the tractor!

Funny New Snake Friend

Rainbow and Sunset (and unpictured lightnin’!) on the First Day of Pride Month!

New Friends 🙂 (Marin, Faith, Biz, me, Julia from left to right)
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