I’m here. Japan, that is. However, between the jet lag and catching up with old friends in Tokyo, the first few days have been mostly uneventful, at least as concerns this project. But I have recently . . . hit the road (or rails, to be more precise) to explore some areas of the country new to me and check out some of the fermented products and techniques common to each area. So in the coming days look for updates from Nagano, Gifu, Aichi, and Osaka.
In the meantime, rest assured – I’m here. I’m eating. I’m learning. I’m mostly recovered from the jet lag. So, ikimashou – let’s go!
P.S., Please come check out this blog frequently over the coming weeks, as this will be the home for this project and where most of the action will be. However, to make it easier for everyone to stay in the loop I will also be sending out an email newsletter that you can sign up for here and posting to the EASC Instagram as well as my personal Instagram. So feel free to follow along whenever and wherever you like!
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