Lena Darnay, LIS MLS Alum 2007 and MSD Pike Township Teacher of the Year 2016-2017, has been selected as a Top 10 Finalist for the Indiana Teacher of the Year Award. Lena Darnay is a District Technology Integrator for the Metropolitan School District of Pike Township and previously served as the school librarian for Pike High… Read more »
Faculty and Staff
Congratulations to Ayoung Yoon!
Ayoung Yoon received Two IMLS grants as PI!! On the first grant, Ayoung is the PI and Andrea Copeland is the Co-PI on the project entitled, “Data Reuse for Local Community”. This is a 3-year award for $355,816. For the 2nd grant, Ayoung is the PI and Devon Donaldson is Co-PI from IUB. This project… Read more »
Carnegie-Whitney Awards up to $5,000 for Guides to Library Resources
The American Library Association Publishing Committee provides a grant of up to $5,000 for the preparation of print or electronic reading lists, indexes or other guides to library resources that promote reading or the use of library resources at any type of library. Funded projects have ranged from popular, general-reader proposals such as “ReadMOre,” a… Read more »
Looking for a class for this fall? How about S541, Information Policy?

Information policy is the development of guidelines, rules, and principles (among other things) to manage information flows in support of particular ends and interests, as well guide human behavior in analog and digital life. Intrigued? Read on and ponder whether or not this course is a good fit with your personal interests and professional pathway.
Associate Faculty, Rachel Williams, Wins Dissertation Award
The department congratulates Rachel Williams for winning this year’s Jesse H. Shera Award for Dissertation Research.