Sarah Burns Gilchrist (MLS, IUPUI 2011; BA in Comparative Literature and Slavic Studies, IUB 2004) is the Research and Instruction Librarian for Visual Arts and Education at Towson University in Towson, MD. Gilchrist will be promoted to Librarian II in June 2017 and is submitting documents for Permanent Status (librarian tenure) August 2017. During the last five years, Sarah has focused her research, service, and teaching on social justice principles, Universal Design for Learning, games and gamification, cultural competency, open access repository mandates, online educational resources, pedagogy, and art research methods. (MD SOAR,
IUPUI’s MLS program supported Ms. Gilchrist’s development of an exceptional network of library professionals while providing a solid platform of practical and applicable library research and knowledge. The professors and peers in IUPUI’s MLS program helped her synthesize skills from previous teaching positions, service work, and prior research projects into a cohesive understanding of librarianship. She relies daily on the knowledge gained through her experiences at IUPUI and is encouraged when others in the IUPUI cohort become notable members of the library community.
