Some students begin their post-secondary education with substantial experience in conducting research and properly citing sources while other students are less familiar with established research practices. At the college level, policies regarding citations, using sources, and avoiding plagiarism vary from course to course. Teaching your students how to handle research within your course will help… Read more »
Tag: research
Do I really need IRB approval for my SoTL project?
When I talk with faculty members about their potential SoTL projects, the issue of IRB approval always comes up, either through them asking if it’s needed or disclosing a fear of the process. My standard blanket answer is yes, you need IRB approval. However, you should always defer to the IRB board at your institution… Read more »
What is SoTL?
SoTL stands for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and is the systematic study of teaching and learning. It overlaps the space between teaching and research in the traditional 3 bucket view of faculty time (teaching, research, and service). Some teaching activities are informal and private, such as designing a course or developing a lesson,… Read more »
Engaging Students in Learning Using Immersive Technologies
Think back to the time when you were learning to ride a bike. Did you learn from reading a book? Did watching someone ride a bike provide you with enough knowledge allow you to hop on and ride seamlessly into the sunset? Probably not. Chances are you sat on the seat, put your feet on… Read more »