New features are added to the Zoom platform regularly. Just one example of an update includes this feature: Enhanced co-host privileges over Breakout Rooms—Co-hosts have the same breakout room controls as the meeting host, such as starting or ending breakout rooms, assigning participants, etc. To ensure your semester runs smoothly and you have access to… Read more »
Instructional Technology
FAQs for Recording and Handling Online Video
This is a bit longer post, but we wanted to provide this information for those of you working on media for the new semester. Planning on recording content for the spring semester? These responses to the more popular questions will hopefully curb a few common issues that come up throughout the semester. How long will… Read more »
Quick Tip of the Week: How to Take the Zzzzzs out of Zoom
If you are looking for new ways to teach using Zoom, I recommend reading Dan Levy’s book, Teaching Effectively with Zoom, and its companion site. The book provides brief explanations of Zoom features, along with the how and why of using them. Examples from instructors using Zoom, along with their tips, provide a wealth of… Read more »
Quick tip of the week: Highlight multiple Zoom participant videos at once
We can now pin or spotlight the videos of up to nine participants in a Zoom meeting. Pinning a participant’s video means that you only see that particular person’s video. Pinning only affects your view of the video, while spotlighting a participant makes their video become the only video that everyone on the call sees…. Read more »
Quick tip of the week: VoiceThread fills the social presence gap in online courses
Simply put, VoiceThread is a threaded discussion about something visual: an image, slide show, or movie. It works seamlessly with Canvas. Usually, the instructor creates the VoiceThread and students add comments. Students can also be assigned to create their own VoiceThread. The students can post comments or answer questions in the VoiceThread using text, voice… Read more »
Quick Tip of the Week: Allow Students to Choose which Zoom Breakout Room to Join
With a recent Zoom update, we can allow students to choose which breakout room they want to join. Instructors could specify topics of discussion for breakout rooms and let students join those based on their interests. Similarly, students could join breakout rooms based on their role in a group project, the type of question they… Read more »