In Part 2, we created our learning objectives (LOs) and sorted them based on their level of cognitive complexity. We begin part three by planning the in-class portion where students will have peer and instructor support in achieving the advanced LOs. Whether a person is planning a traditional lecture or a flipped class, it’s important… Read more »
Flipped and Hybrid Classrooms
Flipping Part 2: Pre-class or In-class? Deciding Where Learning Objectives Belong
In the first part of this series, I provided a comprehensive list of learning objectives (LOs) for classes. I tried to ensure that this list wasn’t too exhaustive, making sure to consolidate repetitive and less significant objectives. In this part, we will order these objectives by cognitive complexity, starting from the lower levels and working… Read more »
Flipping Part 1: Start at the End? Building a Framework for a Flipped Class
This is the first post in a series about how to flip your classes, an approach that moves some content delivery outside of the classroom in order to provide in-class time for practice in applying that information to build new knowledge. It is suggested that, like all new instructional approaches, you try flipping one class… Read more »
Are Your Students Getting It? Use Quick Check in Canvas Content to Find Out
If you are teaching a face-to-face class, you can easily find out whether your students are understanding course concepts. At minimum, you can ask students to self-report their comprehension by raising their hands or by using a classroom assessment technique that asks them to write down the muddiest points of the lecture. Alternatively, you can… Read more »
Flipping Your Classroom Series
The tendency of a traditional classroom is to build more basic, foundational knowledge during class and then send students out to do more complex thinking on their own as assigned work. So why do we ask students to perform, on their own, the cognitively challenging work where they are most likely to have questions and… Read more »
When My Whiteboard Goes Astray, Won’t You Light My Way?
I’m sure everyone remembers the earlier post on a highly valuable resource for system-wide faculty to easily create high production value videos. If you missed it, check out the Faculty Media Production Space sometime. If you want a tour, contact me at . I’m happy to report that there is a new toy in… Read more »