Each year, we provide you with a list of recent teaching & learning related books that CITL staff have read over the year and would recommend to others for summer reading. This summer I’d like to change it up a bit. Online instruction has become a timely concern for faculty & students. While you did… Read more »
Course Design
Handling Exams When Your Course Unexpectedly Moves Online
This post is part of our Keep Teaching blog series meant to help IU instructors move their classes online quickly due to COVID-19. For more detailed resources, see the Keep Teaching website. For many faculty, quickly transitioning to online teaching is most challenging when considering how they will assess students’ learning. That’s especially true with… Read more »
Is the Gamification fad truly over?
Gamification of learning emerged as a pedagogy in the early to mid-2000s with a “fad”ish following in higher education. But is the fad over? Maybe not! Another look may be warranted. Much has improved in learning technology since the early 2000s and the majority of Americans ages 18-29 say they often/sometimes play video games. Gamification… Read more »
Graduate Students – Get Oriented to Teaching at IU!
We’re occasionally asked if we offer spring versions of our day-long Associate Instructor Orientation or Classroom Climate Workshop. While we don’t replicate these programs at the start of the spring semester, we are offering various workshops in early January that will introduce graduate student instructors to some foundational skills for teaching. If the following options… Read more »
Ever wondered what it’s like to design a blended learning course?
Technological advances, growing disciplinary knowledge bases, and a changing student population have fueled many changes over the last 200 years in what the college classroom looks like. As faculty members, we are no longer limited to the four walls of the classroom and a chalkboard. Now we can connect with our students inside the classroom,… Read more »
Technologies for Creating Inclusive Classes
Research shows that creating inclusive classes can help your students improve their performance by enhancing their learning (Muruyama, et. al., 2000). A key starting point for inclusion is making sure everyone feels like they belong to the class community—that they have opportunities to be heard and engage with classmates. As an IUB instructor, you have… Read more »