At this point in my PhD, I am at the Beyoncé-level on the college learner greatness scale. I am a note-taking master, I am an exceptional close reader, and I have superior analytical skills (#humble). Certainly, I thought that all of my learner abilities would make me a great college instructor. Then, I started teaching…… Read more »
So Many Google Accounts… How Do I Manage Them All?!
In the biggest news since the Canvas adoption, Indiana University has joined the ranks of Google Apps for Education (GAFE) and is now able to leverage collaboration features like never before… and all in one product! Which reminds me, be on the lookout for our upcoming post about why Google GroupSpaces are such a great… Read more »
I just wanted to move it in Canvas, but deleted it instead! Help!
Have you ever accidentally deleted a file or an assignment instead of renaming or moving it? Did you know there is a “hidden” undo feature in the Canvas environment? If you have mistakenly deleted a file, page, rubric, announcement, etc. (even if a few days have past) go to your Canvas course home page the… Read more »
Students, Can You Hear Me?
Do you make Canvas announcements, only to come to class and find out 70% of the class didn’t know you made one? Have you sent a Canvas message to a student and never heard back? It seems impossible to find the one simple way to communicate with all the students in your class. Canvas can… Read more »
CITL Joining the Blogging World
Welcome to IU’s new Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning Blog Sites. The Center has decided to join the blogging world to make your world a better place! In the near future, we will begin blogging about things that can improve your classroom, your teaching life, and or engage your learners. Subscribe now to be the first to… Read more »