Instructors in classes of all sizes can benefit from mid-semester feedback. Student feedback can help you identify what is helping or hindering your students’ learning, better understand your students’ experiences in class, understand their perspectives on your course and assignment design, and gather their suggestions for changes that will benefit their learning. You can also… Read more »
Evidence-based practice
Building Metacognition and Growth Mindset with Exam Wrappers
When you return a graded exam to your students, you know they’re going to focus in on the grade, to the exclusion of everything else. That’s understandable, but problematic: there’s a lot more information in a graded exam than just the grade – and it’s information that students could use to improve their performance. They… Read more »
Welcome Back 2023
Now that we are all settled into the semester a bit, I want to offer a slightly-belated welcome back… both to the semester and our CITL blog. We in the CITL have been working on ways we can support the IUB2030 strategic plan, particularly those sections that are aligned closely with our work—evidence-based teaching, inclusive… Read more »