In the second installment of our SoTL spotlight series, J Duncan (Senior Lecturer, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering [SICE]) shares his path to becoming a SoTL researcher. J first became introduced to SoTL through a professional development collegium on teaching and learning offered by SICE in the early 2000s. Now, J spends most of… Read more »
Active Learning Classroom
Using Undergrad Poster Sessions for Final Assignments
Having students create and present posters as a final course assignment is a great alternative to traditional term papers. Not only does this type of assignment allow a creative approach to synthesis and application of course concepts, but it also offers a fun end to the semester that emphasizes collaboration and community. If this idea… Read more »
Flipping Your Class, Part 3: What Should I Do? So Much Room for Activities!
In Part 2, we created our learning objectives (LOs) and sorted them based on their level of cognitive complexity. We begin part three by planning the in-class portion where students will have peer and instructor support in achieving the advanced LOs. Whether a person is planning a traditional lecture or a flipped class, it’s important… Read more »
From the Blank Page to Insight: Helping Your Students Take Powerful Class Notes
What do you see your students doing during your class? Are they frantically transcribing your every word? Or is it the opposite, where you wonder if they’re taking any notes at all? This post will discuss how to guide your students to take powerful notes, the kind that lead to rich learning. For students, every… Read more »
Extra! Extra! Read All about It! Science in the Classroom from the ScIU blog!
Because science is often written about for a skilled adult audience that is well-versed with a particular scientific subject, it can be challenging to make scientific literature accessible to our undergraduates. Often, it seems that doing so will mean hours of scouring the literature, more hard work to boil down complex points, and, despite an… Read more »
Free yourself from the lectern: Using Solstice for screen sharing
Are you trying to free yourself from the front of the room by sharing course content from your mobile device? Do you want your students to effortlessly display their work for peers to view in class? Are you looking for ways to engage your students and hold them accountable for their work during class? You… Read more »