This post was written by the CITL’s Madeleine Gonin and Emily Esola from the Kelley School of Business Introduction by Madeleine Gonin I have invited Emily Esola to share her approaches and experiences with writing inclusive syllabi. Emily and I will be co-facilitating a workshop on December 17 and January 8 where we will take… Read more »
Welcome to our new Writing Specialist, Layli Miron
We are so excited to welcome Layli Miron, our new Lead Instructional Consultant who specializes in integrating writing into teaching. Layli will consult with instructors on using writing to support students’ learning. For a full list of the services she can provide, check out the “Consultations” section of our Campus Writing Program page. Please tell… Read more »
Meet our new Distance Learning Specialist, Maggie Gilchrist
I am delighted to welcome Maggie Gilchrist back to the CITL. You might have worked with her when she was our Graduate Assistant Instructional Consultant in 2022-2023. In October 2023, Maggie joined our colleagues at the IU Indianapolis CTL working full-time as an Instructional Technology Consultant. I asked Maggie about her work there and what… Read more »
QuickTip: Find short activities that boost student learning in class and online
All IU campuses now have access to the 3rd edition ebook of Classroom Assessment Techniques: Formative Feedback Tools for College and University Teachers. This book describes over 50 techniques to help instructors quickly gauge student learning, indexed by teaching goal, cognitive goal, or discipline. One popular technique is the Background Knowledge Probe (p. 125-129), used… Read more »
Welcoming your students and setting them up for success
Welcome back to another school year! We hope you feel refreshed from the summer and are ready to welcome your new colleagues and our new students to campus. This post will focus on ways to welcome your students to class. It is the first in a series aimed at helping you start your semester on… Read more »
What’s going on in my classes? A mid-semester survey can give you some clues
Is it time for a check-in with your students? Are you wondering how your students are feeling about your class, its climate, your teaching practices, and their learning? Using a well-crafted mid-semester survey can help you answer some of these questions. Mid-semester surveys are a great way for students to tell you what is working… Read more »