Did you know that Writing Tutorial Services (WTS) is one of the few writing centers in the country offering subject-specific tutoring? This service allows your students to get tutoring that best matches their needs for your courses and assignments.
And did you know that students can now schedule appointments online through the WTS website? Students simply click the “Schedule Appointment” link at the top of the WTS website and register (if this is their first time using the online scheduler). Students choose between two schedules: one for 100- and 200-level courses and the other for 300-level courses and above. They should then use the “Limit to” menu to see tutors and availability for a particular subject. Students are always welcome to call 855-6738 for help with scheduling an appointment or identifying appropriate tutors for their writing tasks.
Please note that students can schedule only at our main location in the Learning Commons of the Wells Library. Other WTS locations are walk-in only and offer generalist tutoring sessions.
See the WTS website for more information about scheduling appointments at the main WTS location, as well as information about our satellite, walk-in locations. Our site also provides instructors with updated information about WTS that you can copy and paste into your syllabus.
Would you like to find out even more about WTS? Please see our WTS webpage for instructors. If you’re interested in meeting with an instructional consultant about a writing assignment, please contact John Paul Kanwit or see the Campus Writing Program’s website.
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