Check out Dr. Raji Shyam’s recently published article where Subashree is co-author. They investigated the “Rescue of the CHED Mouse Model by AAV-mediated Slc4a11 Replacement”. Check out their results:
Entries by mpvu
Check out our article that was just published!
In collaboration with Junyuan Gao, Xiurong Sun, and Richard T. Mathias, we examined the relationship between Eph-ephrin signaling and microcirculation in the lens. You can read the article with this link:
Welcome To Sachin!
We are happy to have Sachin Anil Ghag on our team! Sachin is a Vision Science Graduate Student and his co-first author research article, while working in the Padhu lab, was published online in the Cells journal! The article is titled “Cathepsin K Regulates Intraocular Pressure by Modulating Extracellular Matrix Remodeling and Actin-Bundling in the… Read more »
Cataract Awareness Month!
June is Cataract Awareness Month ( Cataracts, any opacity in the eye lens, are the world’s leading cause of blindness. Their formation usually takes place as people age, and currently, the only solution is to undergo cataract surgery. Our laboratory is looking to understand the mechanism of how cataracts form so that non-surgical treatment methods… Read more »
Welcome to Subashree and Michael!
We are pleased to introduce two new members to our laboratory team – Subashree Murugan and Michael Vu. Subashree is a Vision Science Graduate Student and Michael will be working as the laboratory’s technician and manager. We are excited to have you two on the team!