Dear Alumni and Friends,
We started this semester by moving our organic teaching laboratories into the new building, Innovation Hall, which allowed us to offer in-person organic laboratories. This was a challenging and rewarding experience. Our staff members did a wonderful job in this transition. We also offered in-person general chemistry and upper division laboratories. The semester started a bit late without any Spring Break although we received two days for recuperation in the middle of the semester. The majority of our lectures were offered in a hybrid mode. In the summer, we will follow the same hybrid approach. The semester ended without requiring us to close the laboratories due to the pandemic. I am proud of our students who followed the safety protocols put in place, and faculty and teaching assistants who executed our teaching and research plans.
This year we graduated 29 B.S., 33 B.A., two M.S., and five Ph.D. students. We wish them much success and congratulate them on their graduation amid such a stressful situation and challenging year. This experience will make them stronger. This year we had six chemistry students and 17 Peer-Led Team Learning leaders placed in IUPUI’s ‘Top 100’ category, and one graduate student (Mark Woollam) was recognized in the Elite 50!
Dr. John Goodpaster has been promoted to the rank of professor and Dr. Brenda Blacklock was promoted to the rank of teaching professor, the first in our department in that rank. Rose Gilmore, who joined the department in the Fall of 2020, is now overseeing the organic teaching laboratories.
This is your department, and because of your success, IUPUI and the department are successful. Please feel free to reach out with updates to or connect with us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @ChemIUPUI or @ParthaBasu_Chem. We are always interested in learning about your whereabouts. Please keep us informed and visit us when you can.
The current crisis has reminded us of the value of science in our lives, and Chemistry will continue to play a central role. Very importantly, please stay safe and stay healthy.
Best regards,
Partha Basu, Chair