Service Learning Volunteers Survey Campus Trees as Part of IUPUI’s Participation in the Tree Campus USA Program.
The Tree Campus USA program was established by the Arbor Day Foundation to encourage colleges and universities to establish and sustain healthy forests as part of their campus communities.

IUPUI is officially recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation. To receive the Tree Campus designation, an institution must meet five criteria: 1) the campus has a tree advisory committee; 2) a campus tree care plan is in place; 3) the campus tree care program receives designated financial support from the university; 4) the campus observes Arbor Day; 5) service learning projects take place that involve care of the campus trees.

This fall, students volunteering for CEES Service Learning projects had an opportunity to assist in the surveying and monitoring of IUPUI’s trees. In the survey areas, students recorded data concerning tree diameter and height, and also assessed the health of individual trees. Participants learned that high school math actually does have practical application: measuring tree height required students to brush up on their right triangle geometry. (SOHCAHTOA rocks!) CEES partnered with the Office of Sustainability and Campus Facility Services for these events. During the events, Ryan Schafer from CFS was on hand with his Trimble GPS device to map any new trees encountered and add them to the GIS inventory of campus trees.

Only a portion of the campus was surveyed Fall 2018 (the IUPUI campus is home to more than 3000 trees!), so additional campus tree survey events are planned for Fall 2019.

In addition to participating in campus tree surveys, IUPUI students removed invasive honeysuckle from Starling Nature Preserve and Eagle’s Crest Park, collected and planted native seed and removed invasive burning bush and honeysuckle at Holliday Park, participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count (a world-wide Citizen Science project), and cleaned trash from the Lilly ARBOR forest restoration site. Nearly 400 students participated in service learning during the 2018/19 academic year.
Excellent work IUPUI students!