Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Sponsors Summer Pollinator Count Now Until July 22.
KIB’s 2018 summer pollinator count is taking place from now until July 22. Below is the announcement from KIB:
The #KIBees pollinator count is here! From now until July 22, we’re challenging you to step outside, smell the flowers, and be a citizen scientist for just 4 minutes.
What do you need for a pollinator count? Yourself, a little patch of greenspace, and a way to keep track of what you see. We suggest our handy pollinator count sheet, the iNaturalist app on your phone, or uploading to iNaturalist on your computer.
Why count pollinators? Tiny butterflies, bugs, and the plants they feed on are the building blocks of everything you & I eat and drink. Want some watermelon? A pollinator helped with that. Lemonade? Pollinators. Double chocolate fudge ice cream? Something had to help the cocoa plant grow!
A pollinator count is all about taking a few minutes to notice and appreciate nature. Take a couple minutes on your lunch break … or a lot of minutes outside with the kiddos on summer break … and make sure to use #KIBees to share what you find!
If you’re interested in doing more to help Keep Indianapolis Beautiful and to support butterflies, bees, and flowers throughout the city, host a Pollinator Party. Invite your friends and neighbors over for a BBQ and some pollinator counting. Encourage them to give back to KIB so we can create more greenspace.