Emergence was the topic of the day. After such a long and grueling winter, spring was finally upon us and its signs were everywhere. There was not a lot of green in the woods, but the amor bush honeysuckle’s buds were just beginning to swell making them a slight more visible than their native neighbors. Several small snakes were sighted by our crew and hikers. One still had dirt on top of his head caused by his own emergence.
It was great to revisit our worksite from last semester around Delaware Lake. It was so visibly obvious what an impact we had made. We felt inspired to be part of such a positive impact and energy was high to continue the good work.
Signs from the spring melt and flooding were everywhere throughout the woods. Fall creek flows behind our site and sits a short distance back into the wood. It was amazing to see the effects of a body of water that lie so far away. The ground was still a bit soft in places and in some cases made it possible to pull rather large plants out by their roots.
We worked with small crews for this event but made some pretty big piles. There were a lot of people visiting the park that day to jog, walk dogs and hike. Many of them stopped to investigate our actions and we were able to spread some environmental education to the public of all ages. Overall, this was a very fun day and look forward to continuing the effort.