Each semester IU hosts a variety of cultural and entertainment activities for students to expand their horizons. If you are interested in events related to the Arts & Entertainment and Sports Career Communities, explore the list below to learn more:
- Mexico Remixed: a lineup of events through April 2019;
- Granfalloon;
- City of Bloomington “A Fair of the Arts“;
- Bernstein’s “Mass“;
- Spring Ballet at the Musical Arts Center;
- Multiple productions from Theatre, Drama, & Contemporary Dance;
- Lotus Firebay Open House;
- IU Cinema events (including guest director speakers and a screen of “8 Hours Don’t Make a Day” with food truck service);
- McKinney Visiting Artists series;
- Little 500;
- IU Athletics sporting events composite schedule.
These events serve as a channel for student discovery and exposure to out of the classroom education. Be sure to take advantage of all IU offers during your time here!