Career Services Update
By: Pat Donahue
It’s good to see you again.
Granted, most of the time we are seeing you through the Zoom lens, but it’s still good to discuss your career plans with you online or six feet away, masked up, and drenched in hand sanitizer.
During this summer like no other, career services has been busy implementing changes that will greatly improve your career opportunities.
After Labor Day weekend, there will be numerous virtual career fairs. Career fairs are open to all students, all years, all majors. Here’s a link to the career fairs in Handshake
To register for a virtual career fair, you must first set up your account with Handshake. Once you do that, go to the list of career fairs on Handshake, click on the specific career fair you want to attend, then push the register button for that specific fair. Depending on how the employer set up interviews, you will be able to select from individual ten-minute interview times or group interviews.
If you have never attended a virtual career fair (and most of us have not), please check out Handshake’s virtual career fair tips.
Because of Covid restrictions, the Career Development Center’s office in the Wells Library will be closed until further notice for face to face meetings, but all our services are being offered virtually.
You can still:
- Set up an appointment with you career coach
- Learn about student employment opportunities
- Discover how to design your career utilizing our career communities
- Get resources on writing a resume and interviewing
- Get an overview of Career Development Center services and upcoming events listed on Handshake
Despite all the changes that have happened the last six months, one thing has remained constant: the career coaches at the Career Development Center and other career services offices are here to help you with your career planning.
Until the day arrives when we can meet in person and shake hands again, please set up a time to virtually meet with us so we can help you achieve your career goals.