Good afternoon, IU! Covanta gave us quite a few really good #TipTuesday that we want to share with you! So feast your eyes and enjoy the wisdom:
- Always be early
- Look people in the eye
- Firm handshake
- Research the company
- Ask intelligent, well-considered questions
- Establish common ground (a connection), look around the office to find one
- Always have a weakness disguised as a strength (ex: I work too much)
- Know the subject you are interviewing for
- Don’t ramble
- Don’t talk $$$ on the first interview
- Be conversational and relaxed
- Wear dress clothes that fit well
Covanta is all about giving the world sustainable waste and energy options and making sure that “no waste is ever wasted.” They’ve taken going green to the next level and strive to ensure our world becomes sufficient and efficient. Learn more about them and what they do here.