Box at IU is great for storing data in the cloud. It has unlimited storage and you can access it from the computer labs, your laptop, or IUanyware.
IUanyware is way to run stats software (and lots of others) for free streaming online. let’s you link your Box, Dropbox, or other file servers to your cloud account at IU so that these drives show up in your File Explorer using the computer labs or from IUanyware.
Box Sync is also helpful to sync your Box files to your laptop (like Dropbox). (Although, I heard there is a new “Box Drive” that doesn’t require syncing the files, but it’s still in beta at IU.)
IUware is the website to download SPSS and JMP (among others). SAS needs to be installed by Research Analytics. More info and license fees are listed here. As of today: SAS is $125, SPSS is $100, JMP is $50.
R is free, powerful, and flexible:, and R-studio is a nice interface for using R.
Stata is available on IUanyware and computer labs, but must be purchased separately for download.
Research Analytics is the branch of UITS who sell and support statistical software. Ask them questions about technical support and how to run procedures in different software.
IT training at UITS has workshop materials for learning SAS and SPSS.
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