The IU South Bend Veterans Book Club is excited to be included in the NEA Big Read of St. Joe County. The first meeting of the year will be part of the kick-off events for the community-wide reading program. The event will be held on Thursday Sept 28 at 5:30 in Fireside A, off the… Read more »
Entries by jmvander
Vietnam ’67
From the New York Times, a story about the other side of the war, from the other side of the world: “The first time I ever saw Americans was when I was 12 years old. It wasn’t actually blond-haired, blue-eyed Americans that I was seeing up close. The Americans I saw that day were F-4… Read more »
Art of Valor
The Art of Valor exhibit at the South Bend Museum of Art is a wonderful presentation of the memories and emotions of military veterans. The exhibit is a collaboration between students and faculty from IU South Bend and Notre Dame with local veterans and the Vet Center. It is a great example of how art… Read more »
Vietnam Protests at Notre Dame
A page from the Notre Dame student paper from 1969 shows student opposition to the Vietnam War. The article discusses student displeasure with implications of the war, but also faculty and administration resistance to resolutions made by the students.
Peace and Anti-War Activity at IU South Bend
In 1970, as a protest of President Nixon’s Southeast Asian “policies of murder,” IU South Bend students held Cambodia Week. The week was scheduled with events on campus such as a reading of war dead and ceremonial digging of a grave on campus; talks by student government members; guerilla theater; a teach-in on draft resistance,… Read more »
IU South Bend Awarded NEA Grant
Here’s the official announcement about all the grants, including that awarded to Big Read St. Joe: An excerpt: Today the National Endowment for the Arts announced seventy-five nonprofit organizations will receive grants totaling more than $1 million to host an NEA Big Read project between September 2017 and June 2018. An initiative of the National Endowment… Read more »
The Partners behind the Project
The NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest ( Our NEA Big Read St. Joe County is a partnership between these three institutions: CHAPTER #1027 If you have ideas related to The Things They Carried, we’d love to work with your school… Read more »
The Things They Carried
The Vietnam War still has the power to divide Americans between those for it and those against. Today it also divides us, just as surely, between those who remember its era firsthand and those not yet born when the troops came home. There may be no better bridge across these twin divides than Tim O’Brien’s… Read more »
What’s the Big Deal about the Big Read?
The NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest. El proyecto NEA Big Read es una iniciativa del National Endowment for the Arts (el Fondo Nacional para las Artes de Estados Unidos) en cooperación con Arts Midwest. The goal of NEA Big Read is to broaden… Read more »