My boss asked me to draft a blog post this week about why I vote. I started thinking about it because I really wanted to give her a good, well thought out answer. I vote because I want to help create a better and more equal tomorrow not only for myself, but also for my family and those who will come after me. Voting is one of the simplest ways to take action and help create change in our society.
We have made considerable progress in making a better, more just and open-minded society for individuals with disabilities since the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act 30 years ago this past July. However, historically, people with disabilities had to overcome a culture of oppression to achieve the same rights and freedoms as everyone else in this country, almost having to prove we matter as much as others do.
I vote because I want to be part of helping to create something bigger than myself.
I want to be part of creating something better for those who cannot yet cast a ballot but who will someday. Real change happens in numbers. Typically, significant change takes a large group of individuals who get angry or fed up or loud enough that they begin to march in the streets and write letters to their elected officials and collectively call for change. The more people who call, write, march, or vote, the less time people in high places have before they must listen to the voters’ cries.
Today, I want to be a part of helping to not only make my community, but also to make my country a better place for all people, regardless of age or ability, to live, work, spend their time, and raise a family.
I have been interested in politics since high school because of the possibility for change that it holds. The months leading up to an election every four years are one of my favorite times of year. I love getting involved in the political process and helping others. It feels satisfying to know I am helping not only myself but others as well.
Remember that democracy takes all of us.
Please vote this fall and encourage your friends and family to do the same!
Thank you!
Indiana deadline to register to vote: October 5
Indiana deadline to apply for an absentee ballot: October 5
Election Day: November 3
For more information, see the Indiana Secretary of State’s Voter Information page.